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South Carolina Day 2: Myrtle Beach

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

We woke up bright and early for our breakfast at our hotel, Alex and I, and enjoyed our time together and started planning out our day. It was going to be another bright sunny day so we wanted to hit the beach! After injuries from yesterday's fun in the sun I decided that this was going to be a more relaxed day and wanted to start my tan and catch up with the girls.

Alex and I set out for the beach right outside our hotel, as Kallie and Sarah still were sleeping and we decided not to wake them. I let them know via text that we were out on the beach and they should join us when they can! It was just Alex and I for a couple hours, which I loved. Our friends at Westgate found us in no time and started passing out drinks and joined in on conversations. It was such a relaxing way to start off the day. We all didn't have anything stressing us out, just the moment to live in and I cherished it.

"Is that Captain America in that pic?" -Papa Mike

As the day goes by Abbey, Michael, Dan, Alyssa, Alex and I decided to go for a walk along the shoreline to check out the Pier. The water was cool when it touched my toes and I would stop constantly to pick up a shell or continue my search for a shark tooth. As we reached the pier we stopped to take some cute couples pictures and rinse off any sand on our shoes.

Alex and I decided to break from the group and walk along the board walk, we were in the search to go into a hot tub too so we might've walked into a resort and sat in the hot tub for a bit without workers knowing ...sorry mom. But hey it was windy that day and made the water feel cold and the air as well so can't blame us for wanting some warmth! We were figuring out what to do for the rest of the day, my finger was acting up and hurting and I had no idea why. I woke up with some pain under the nail but decided to go about the day. It only had gotten worse.

So once we reached the gang again on the other side of the beach, we decided to go get some lunch and see what Kallie and Sarah were up to. We told the group we'd meet up with them for drinks later tonight at Westgate. Upon arriving to our hotel Kallie called saying we should go out to eat at Thorny's. A restaurant close to our hotel and was recommended by our group. So we cleaned up and headed out. We all chowed down some burgers, and it was during dinner that I decided that I needed to go to a clinic for my finger because the pain on my finger was unbearable and growing worse. We paid for our food and found a clinic 15 minutes away in North Myrtle. There I would hope to find answers about what I did to my finger.

I had a thousand tiny little cuts on my finger, not knowing where it came from.

We checked in to the clinic and waited to see the doctor. It was unusually busy at 9:00 at night and I was hoping we wouldn't be there long. We still had plans with our friends and I didn't want to make my injury a big deal. Finally, we see the doctor and he went through his normal routine as I told him my story. Long story short, they had no idea what caused my finger to swell up and what would have cut it that many times. They were throwing around the possibility that I got stung by a jellyfish, or I cut it on shells or coral which are all plausible reasons but couldn't pin point it. So they gave me an anti-bacterial medicine I'd be taking the rest of my trip and hope the pain and swelling goes down. It was starting to get sensitive at the tip of my finger and would hurt in I touched anything so needless to say I wanted this medicine to work.

We drove to a local CVS and picked up my prescription and some bandages for my finger (and toes) and felt bad enough to drag everyone to the docs with me so I sped up the process and go us straight to Westgate to hang out with the group. They were sitting and playing cards or Jenga when we arrived so we picked up on some of the games and then decided to play a group one. We left around midnight to walk back to our hotel and sleep the night away as tomorrow had much in store for us.

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