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Day 14: Scottish National Gallery & Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

To start this day off we had breakfast at the castle and wasted no time to head out to Edinburgh. We had plans to visit three art museums while still learning the ropes of how to travel the city and use the bus systems! When we arrived in the city we walked to the first museum - in great Edinburgh style - in the rain. We had some breaks in the sky enough to take pictures of some famous churches and the Edinburgh castle. The architecture was beautiful and well worth walking the streets for an up close and personal view.

Once we arrived at our first art museum, City Art Centre, we had about an hour to walk through and find pieces we are inspired by to write about as our first homework assignment for our class. Every field trip we took, we were to write about artwork that we found interesting, inspiring or out of the ordinary. The artwork found in here was historic and contemporary Scottish visual and applied arts.

From there we took a bus to the Scottish National Galleries - Modern One and Two. We had recently from, our last class, learned about famous sculpurists and artists like Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon and Jackson Pollock. Luckily in both Modern One and Two all of these artists had pieces of their artwork in these galleries. I found that neat because I could again, see it up close and personal rather than from a powerpoint.

I thought the bathrooms were funky so I just had to take a picture in them...(:

After our day visiting the different art galleries, we met up with Kallie's sisters at a brewery in Edinburgh called Cold Town Brewery. The location was right off prince's street and was in an old church. The place was known for their pizza, atmosphere, live music and of course the brews. They had a beautiful outdoor patio and the interior was a mix of industrial and modern design.

After our dinner we headed back to the castle in Dalkeith as we had class the next day and were exhausted from walking around the city. Her sisters were leaving to go back to the States within the night so this was also a final hoorah to say goodbye.

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