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Arizona Day 7-8: Prescott, AZ-St. Cloud, MN

The final full day of the trip was spent right in town of Prescott with my aunt, sister, and mother as we headed in and out of shops. Getting the last trinkets and memorabilia for keepsake of the trip. We went in numerous stores and art galleries in town and also checked out where my aunt had her paintings in a local pizza shop. I loved how art oriented the town was and enjoyed learning about the different artists. Places like Van Gogh's ear, Ian Russel Gallery of Fine Art and many others are good stops to make. My mom and I ended up getting a few Ian Russel pieces you can view on my art account on Instagram @Segulia_Art.

"Wish Upon a Star" -Ian Russel. The thoughtful gaze upon a night sky reminds me of myself how I always look to the stars and dream. Dream about anything I want and am inspired by the stars. The bear is myself, deep in thought. I connected with this piece and admired the craft of the paint on the piece.

Mid day we stopped at the Palace for drinks which is along Whiskey Row and was once a huge 1870 saloon and they keep the character of the building alive to this day with the workers in that century clothes and charm. We then went to a place called The Office for lunch. They had great burgers and sandwiches that tied us over for happy hour at val and Michael's. It was an early night as we had to get up very early the following morning to catch our flight home. We said our final goodbye's and thank you's to our hosts and agreed we will be visiting back again soon.

As we awoke early the next morning, it was surreal to know we were heading home. Away from a new state I fell in love with. Wanting to find all the new places to hike and explore. That is when I knew this was a trip I wouldn't forget for a while and Arizona, you have impacted me. I can't wait to see you again.

The last glimpse of mountains from above...

We arrived to a cloudy Minnesota day just to add to the gloominess our family had leaving Arizona. Needing to switch back to reality but thoughtfully remember everything from our trip. It was all surreal and beautiful. To connect fully with nature go to Arizona and take in all it has to offer. Mom and Dad, you have my seal of approval to retire down there. I know you love it and I love it just as much.

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